Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Homophobia is Stupid...Part 2

Listen to this reinterpretation of court documented fact, and then call the number at the bottom of the post to aid this woman in getting all the stupid off of her. Or at least keep her from getting it on anybody else.

He was killed because he was gay. The defendant's first defense was "gay panic". The robbery story came up after they were convicted. (Wait a minute...maybe they let themselves be convicted of first degree murder when it was really second degree, and they just didn't think to mention it!)

Rep. Virginia Foxx

Phone: (202) 225-2071

Phone: (336) 778-0211

Phone: (828) 265-0240

OW!! Michelle Bachman is Hurting My Brain!

What a week. She just keeps beating away at reason!

First, I found this...

and then this...

And to top it off, this...


How can anyone so completely ignorant be allowed to speak over and over again?

One at a time. Here we go...

Carbon Dioxide is natural. Humans (and all animals) exhale it as a waste product. We do so because it is harmful to us. If we lock Michelle Bachman in a sealed room , she would soon use up all the oxygen, replacing it with exhaled CO2, and she would then prove just how harmful a gas it is. Carbon Dioxide is poisonous to animal life. In addition, too much CO2 in the atmosphere's mix increases the temperature of the whole planet; it "warms the globe" as it were. But she doesn't believe in that, of course.

The 1970's occurrence of swine flu was during Gerald Ford's Presidency. Not the the virus cares a whit, but Ford was a Republican President.

Finally, the Smoot-Hawley Bill was signed into law by President Herbert Hoover (another Republican), in 1930 , just months after the stock market crash, and nearly 3 years (31 months to be exact) before he gave Roosevelt the keys to the country. Oh, and along with the keys he gave Roosevelt a couple little issues to deal with, like a 25% unemployment rate and a GDP that was nearly half what it had been when Hoover took office. In short, Hoover gave Roosevelt a 38-month old Depression to deal with.

How about "History First!" or "Facts First!" instead of "Party First!"

FDR probably seems like the absolute farthest left President Michelle Bachman can imagine.
The fact is he took office at the lowest point in the Great Depression and promptly turned it around. The only people who would argue that are people that can't hear facts that don't support their preconceived notions...

Or pinheads that can't read a friggin' graph.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bill O'Reilly is Beyond Stupid

Bill O'Reilly...
posing as a tough guy, claims he would have "dunked that guy a thousand times to save your life."

You know what Bill?
Fuck you.
I want to see you offer to undergo what you euphemistically call "harsh interrogation".
I want to see you shit your pants, cry and beg for mercy.
And then I want to see you come back on the air and act like a tough guy.
Fuck you , you worthless piece of shit. Vomiting your insecure hatred on the air, inducing people to hate just like you. All because the girls in Junior High wouldn't talk to you, and the guys laughed at your little dick.

Stupid is a disease, and you are guilty of intentionally spreading the infection to make yourself feel powerful and strong.

Good luck making that last. Soon the masses will turn on you. Nobody will admit they supported your views, when all the ugliness is known. The rabid masses you've stirred up will turn on you, and we'll all see what a pathetic excuse for a man you are.

Keep talking tough.
By the way, are you still using a vibrator on yourself?

Joe Scarborough is Stupid should be evident to everyone. But now he claims that prosecuting those responsible for torture we would be criminalizing political differences.
So, let's repeat this intellectual giant's position...torture is now part of the Republican platform, and opposing torture is merely the Democrats expressing their platform. Way to marginalize a dying party, Joe. Let's have a shout out to Senator John Thune and Pat Buchanan for supporting this position on the air. Apparently not one of you thinks before opening their mouths. Not that I'm surprised.
Meanwhile Sean Hannity offers to undergo waterboarding. Good. I hope he shits his pants and cries like an infant. All these "tough guy" pundits are weakling pieces of crap...every one of them. I'd love to see them with hoods on their heads, left alone in a cold cell. Every single one would break within hours, without even being tortured.
Oh, and just a reminder to everyone who wants to say "it worked" on Khalid Sheikh Mohamed ...
1.No it didn't
2. That isn't a defense for any other crime.
3. The Japanese we sentenced to death for waterboarding Allied troops might have said the same thing.
4. This is who we allowed to be tortured so we could catch Khalid Sheikh Mohamed in the first place. I bet he would have confessed to causing cancer after this and the waterboarding.

So Joe, you still want to maintain that we object to torture just because you support it?
I object to torture, and to morally bereft pieces of human waste like yourself who excuse it and condone it.
Go ahead and talk it up. The First Amendment's a wonderful thing, it allows us to identify monsters just by listening to them talk.

Joe Scarborough is stupid, and I bet he has a little dick.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Homophobia is Stupid - Part I

Check Jason Mannino's article at the Huffington Post. 
Homophobia...another type of stupid. In this case, really dangerous stupid.
Just listen to this kid.

Now kid, listen to me.
You may be young, and misinformed, but stupid is like a cold. I know you didn't catch it on purpose, but don't go sneezing on people at the mall. Whoever told you this ridiculous shit should be held down and slapped repeatedly, but all I can do now is try to undo the stupid you're tossing around.
1. Your t-shirts are not protected speech in the school. I could distribute t-shirts to students that say "Christianity is a dangerous cult".  I could say (like you do), that if you find my shirts offensive, you're doing something wrong. You'd be all over the school to have them removed, and you'd win, because the shirts could be seen as disruptive to the school environment.
2. The Constitution is NOT a Christian document. Period. This rumor has been debunked repeatedly. No reference to God, Wotan, Mithras, Set, or any other invisible friend anywhere in the document. The First Amendment begins with the specific prohibition of forcing a particular religion on the citizenry. You cannot use the law-making and law-enforcing powers granted by the people to their government to coerce people into accepting your religious beliefs. That's what England (and other European countries) had been doing, leading to the American colonies being full of religious refugees.
3. You suck at math. 3% LGBT? Try closer to 10%. 95% believe in the Christian God? Since 15% don't believe in any gods, you're a little off.
4. "A lawyer's going to beat out anything a principle says"? Apparently you don't know many lawyers. Here's how it works. OJ's lawyers claimed he was innocent. Ken Lay's lawyers said he was innocent. Lawyers often argue totally invalid positions because that's what they are paid to do. Thinking that the support of a lawyer validates your position is plain stupid. I bet you think the waitress likes you when she smiles, too.
5. You actually seem to think that you're smart. But parroting other people's stupid without thinking about it is, well, stupid.

let's get stupid...and get it good

It happens every time I read or watch the news..I am astounded by the incredible amount of stupid out there. Smart people saying stupid things, stupid people saying stupid things, people of all types repeating the stupid things someone else's too much. It's now to the point where I need a new word to describe the weariness and pain in my temporal lobe...


But I'm not giving up. I'm fighting back. Though we may never destroy stupid, I bet we can fuck it up pretty good.